功效 Benefit:
生津止渴 消暑开胃
烹饪方式 How to cook:
- 将药材略微清洗后放入锅中。
- 加入1.5L清水,大火煮沸后转小火煮30分钟。
- 加入冰糖后搅拌后即可完成。
- Rinse the ingredients and put them into a pot.
- Pour in 1.5L water and bring to boil.
- Simmer for 1.5 to 2 hours.
- Add rock sugar ready to serve.
注意事项 Precaution:
Not suitable for pregnant women, menstrual, sick people and people allergic to any herbs.
保存方法 Storage Method:
Keep refrigerated at all times to maintain freshness and avoid moulds and bugs. Avoid direct sunlight, humidity and odours.