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自制西藏虫草泡参丸 Tibet Cordyceps American Ginseng Capsule

RM 350.00
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成分 Ingredients:

  • 70%【大条】西藏冬虫夏草 Tibet Cordyceps.
  • 30%美国野泡参 American Ginseng.

功效 Benefit:

  • 适用于肺肾两虚、精气不足、咳嗽气短、自汗盗汗、腰膝酸软、阳痿遗精、劳嗽痰血等病症。由于它性平力缓,能平补阴阳,所以也是年老体弱、病后体衰、产后体虚者的调补药
  • 产后调理、平时保健、孕期吸收
  • Boost immunity system especially good for lung and kidney, relieving backache & may keep blood sugar levels within a healthy range by mimicking the action of insulin. Suitable for all ages.

储存方式 Storage Method:


It is recommended to store in the refrigerator, which can achieve the effect of preservation for more than 8 months.

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